Inima De Tigan Serial Episodul 12

Inima De Tigan Serial Episodul 12 4,2/5 3262 reviews

Gypsy Heart is a story about love and passion, dreams and restrictions, ambition and failure. Codrut a young Gypsy man with ambitions to become a doctor and integrate the Romanian community, has to obey the traditions of his ethnic group. But he falls in love with Irina (Andreea Patrascu), a very rich and spoiled Romanian girl, whose father dreams of marrying her to a successful businessman. Since Codrut was promised by his father to a Gypsy girl and Irina is supposed to marry Luca, the man her father chose for her, their love seems impossible.

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So they have to fight everyone in order to be together. Gypsy Heart sheds light on the bohemian, traditional and romantic side of the Gypsy minority.

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Vezi Serialul (Telenovela) Inima de Tigan doar Aici. Cei care i-au vazut nu i-au uitat niciodata! Cei care i-au iubit, au suspinat si au ras odata cu ei si vor simti din nou cum bate o inima de tigan pentru ca din 23 ianuarie, de la 20:30, “Inima de tigan”, cel mai sukar serial din Romania se intoarce ACASA! Telespectatorii au urmarit cu emotie, suspans si entuziasm “Inima de tigan”, astfel ca acesta a atins audiente record si a facut istorie acasa, devenind unul dintre cele mai iubite seriale romanesti.

Inima De Tigan Episodul 4

Din 23 ianuarie, telespectatorii vor porni intr-o calatorie fascinanta in care vor descoperi o poveste plina de umor si o lume contrastanta, pasionala si profunda si vor afla alaturi de protagonistii Andreea Patrascu si Denis Stefan si personajele mult iubite interpretate de Carmen Tanase, Gheorghe Visu, Marin Moraru, Gheorghe Dinica, Florin Zamfirescu, Florina Cercel, Virginia Rogin, Vladimir Gaitan, Loredana, Nicoleta Luciu, Cabral, Ioana Ginghina, Vlad Zamfirescu si multi altii, daca iubirea dintre un tigan si o romanca se poate implini.

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